13 Laws That Every HR Should Know About

13 Laws That Every HR Should Know About

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A grasp of fundamental laws and regulations related to employees and organizations is important for HR professionals. These legal frameworks not only foster organizational growth but also save the company from financial loss.
Read the detailed article: https://www.abacusconsultants.in/blog/13-laws-every-hr-should-know


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Video - Transcript

In the complex world of Human Resources, the role often transforms, requiring HR professionals to wear various hats. From acting as accountants for payroll to stepping into the shoes of managers to resolve conflicts, their versatility knows no bounds. Let's dive into the multifaceted journey of HR, where they done the role of a legal guide.

To excel in their myriad responsibilities, HR must embrace the role of a legal expert, understanding both government and company laws.

At the heart of HR's responsibilities lies the crucial task of hiring and firing, a dance orchestrated by labor laws that govern the employment landscape.

One of the key pillars of HR's knowledge is the 'Labour Act of 1986.' This legislation shields children from labor exploitation and restricts teenagers from engaging in hazardous tasks.

In today's society, workplace safety extends to more than just physical well-being. Enter the 'Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2013,' a powerful tool for HR to combat gender-based harassment.

Promoting inclusivity and diversity is a driving force behind HR. The 'Equal Employment Opportunity' laws emphasize fair treatment, regardless of religion, sex, or race.

Safety and health are paramount. The 'Occupational Safety and Health Act' shields various sectors, ensuring the well-being of employees.

HR's role extends to crafting internal rules and regulations. These policies define work hours, leaves, safety protocols, and more.

The 'Apprentice Act of 1961' fosters skills development, bridging the gap between education and industry-ready capabilities.

For a supportive workplace, the 'Maternity Benefit Act of 1961' ensures that pregnant women receive rightful compensation and protection.

Eliminating discrimination is a cornerstone of HR's role. 'Workplace Discrimination Law' safeguards employees from bias based on identity, race, religion, and more

Navigating legal waters is essential for HR, ensuring compliance and safeguarding the organization from potential lawsuits.

Rewarding employees equitably is a priority. The 'Payment of Bonus Act' outlines guidelines for fair compensation and bonuses.

Promoting employee well-being, the 'Workmen’s Compensation Act of 1923' provides financial support in case of accidents or injuries.

Health and well-being continue with the 'Employees State Insurance Act of 1948,' extending medical aid and coverage to workers

For balancing work and life, the 'Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993' offers unpaid leave during emergencies.

HR's journey is a symphony of roles, adapting and evolving to create a thriving workplace environment, one law at a time.

Let's pave the way for a harmonious and compliant workplace.

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