He Buys Businesses for a Living! - Jonathan Jay 2023

He Buys Businesses for a Living! - Jonathan Jay 2023

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Interested in buying a business?

In this video, acquisitions expert Jonathan Jay sits down with seasoned entrepreneur Dee Ludlow, who has successfully acquired several businesses over the years. Dee shares his invaluable experiences and insights into the world of business acquisitions, taking you from smaller deals to larger ventures.

Dee Ludlow discovered the power of scaling through acquisition and realised that many of the world's wealthiest individuals owe their success to the business acquisition realm.
Jonathan Jay and Dee Ludlow explore the importance of having a well-defined process in place when it comes to buying a business.

Having a clear roadmap allows you to navigate the intricacies of acquisitions and stay focused on your goals, ultimately avoiding costly detours.

Dee Ludlow shares his experiences of integrating acquired businesses. He emphasises the significance of identifying stagnant or underutilised businesses with untapped potential and discusses the importance of both hunters (client acquisition) and farmers (fulfilment) within a company's ecosystem.

Throughout, Dee Ludlow's candid anecdotes shed light on the realities of acquiring businesses, including lessons learned from mistakes made along the way. He underlines the value of experience and the benefits of seeking guidance to minimise errors and fast-track success.

Jonathan Jay and Dee Ludlow touch upon the mindset required for success in the business world, emphasising the importance of self-belief and knowing what is truly possible. With the right mindset, doubts dissipate, and people can confidently pursue their goals, creating a path towards success.

Many new buyers worry about being seen as newbies in the acquisition process. However, sellers are often newbies themselves when it comes to selling a business. By having a better understanding of the acquisition process, a buyer can confidently control the conversation and guide the seller through the transaction.

The video showcases real-life examples where businesses with impressive clientele and minimal overhead were acquired on incredibly favourable terms.

So, if you're interested in the world of business acquisition and want to learn how to buy an established business successfully, this video is a must-watch.

Gain expert insights from Jonathan Jay and discover the power of acquisition in business.

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