How Understanding the Business of Law Can Make You a Better Attorney | The Josh Gerben Show

How Understanding the Business of Law Can Make You a Better Attorney | The Josh Gerben Show

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Why is it so important for lawyers understand the business of law? This episode discusses the overall impact that a business mindset can have on the trajectory of your legal career or law practice.

Whether you own a law firm or work in one, you’re handling business-related tasks daily. Specifically, you communicate with your existing clients and opposing counsel every day. You shouldn’t treat these everyday tasks as just legal services, but also as business transactions and opportunities to get referrals for future work.

This first episode of The Josh Gerben Show sets the foundation for the importance of thinking like a businessperson in the legal industry, while also providing suggestions for handling business opportunities in your future.

00:18 - Introductions
01:13 - The importance of understanding the business of law
01:35 - The business of law for law firm owners
04:43 - The business of law for associates in law firms
08:36 - Lawyer communications with existing clients
14:54 - Lawyer communications with opposing counsel

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Start, run, and grow your law practice with Josh Gerben. This show discusses law firm management, legal marketing, the art of hustling, and everything else they didn’t teach you in law school.

Join Josh and learn how to obtain more clients for your law practice, build a personal brand, implement powerful systems to increase the efficiency of your law firm, increase your revenues, and put yourself in the position for a fulfilling and secure legal career.

Josh Gerben is the founder of Gerben IP, a state-of-the-art law firm that has won national and international recognition for its ability to deliver high quality legal services at a fraction of the cost of big law firms.

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