Criminal Charges | Electronic Device | Nebraska Criminal Defense Attorney | Mallory Hughes

Criminal Charges | Electronic Device | Nebraska Criminal Defense Attorney | Mallory Hughes

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Publish Date:
October 20, 2022
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If you are facing criminal charges related to using an electronic device, contact Nebraska Criminal Defense Attorney, Mallory Hughes, with Berry Law Firm.

Please know that you should understand your constitutional rights. First, you have the right to remain silent. Second, you have the right to an attorney.
Defending False Allegations of in Omaha
Our Criminal Defense Attorneys Can Defend Your Rights & Reputation
False accusations of sex-related crimes around electronic devices are quite common. Many of these allegations arise from texting, sexting, video, a scorned girlfriend or boyfriend,

Being wrongfully accused of a sex offense or use of a electronic device to entice a minor is a shattering experience – especially when those charges involve a minor. The social stigma and damage to your reputation can be overwhelming, and the consequences of a conviction may include a long prison sentence and lifetime registration as a sex offender.

When you face any charges related to cellphone use, mobile device, computer use, or any digital electronic devices, contact Mallory Hughes.
Falsely Accused Call Mallory Hughes