Criminal Defense Attorney Reacts to Criminal Charges for Connecticut Police Officers

Criminal Defense Attorney Reacts to Criminal Charges for Connecticut Police Officers

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Publish Date:
December 23, 2022
Criminal Attorneys
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#criminaldefenseattorneyreacts #randycox #newhavenpolicedepartment

On June 19, 2022, Randy Cox was arrested for unlawful possession of a firearm in New Haven, Connecticut. He was handcuffed and placed in the back of a patrol van. After the officer driving the van slammed on the brakes, Mr. Cox slammed headfirst into the partition. Officers failed to immediately get Mr. Cox the medical attention he needed. Instead they made fun of him and accused him of faking his injuries. He was placed in a holding cell. Eventually, he was taken to the hospital, and it was ultimately determined that Mr. Cox was paralyzed from the chest down. The police have since been charged with misdemeanors for their conduct. A lawsuit has been filed on behalf of Randy Cox.

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