Best DUI defense strategies

Best DUI defense strategies

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Being arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a serious offense that can lead to losing your license, hefty fines, and jail time. However, DUI cases are often defensible with the right legal approach. A proficient DUI lawyer can pinpoint unique issues in your case and identify the most effective defenses. Here are some common and effective DUI defenses:

* Lack of Opportunity to Contact an Attorney
* Inaccurate Breath Alcohol Testing
* Illegal Stop of Person or Vehicle
* Invalid Field Sobriety Tests
* No Evidence of Driving or Control

These are just a few of the many potential defenses in DUI cases. Each case is unique and requires a thorough legal assessment to determine the best strategy. If you’ve been charged with a DUI, seeking a consultation with a knowledgeable attorney is crucial to protecting your rights.
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