DUI Lawyer - 5 Tips to Get the Best DUI Lawyer

DUI Lawyer - 5 Tips to Get the Best DUI Lawyer

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Publish Date:
June 29, 2024
DUI Attorneys
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0:00 - 5 tips for finding the best DUI Lawyer
0:20 - Tip #1 - Experience
0:54 - Tip #2 - Existing Relationship with the Crown
1:40 - Tip #3 - Low Fees Are Red Flags
2:24 - Tip #4 - Does it "feel right"
2:36 - Tip #5 - Google Reviews

Here are 5 tips for finding the best DUI lawyer to get you the best outcome from your DUI case.

- These 5 tips are legit (I'm an experienced lawyer).
- These are the tips I've given over the years to family, friends and contacts when asked about finding a great lawyer.
- Without exception, my contacts always thank me for sharing these 5 tips.

Tip #1 - Experience

Choose a Lawyer that has experience with DUI charges.

- DUI is a serious charge with severe consequences.
- DUI charge is technical in nature, and opportunities to get the best outcome often lie in the fine details of your case.
- It's been my experience that lawyers who are not experienced with DUI cases may miss those small details that can make the difference in winning or losing your case.

Tip #2 - Existing Relationship with the Crown

Your DUI case will be handled in the courts by a Crown whose job is to convict you.

- That Crown is different in every court. And every Crown has different nuanced ways of handling cases.
- For example, your fact situation may be handled differently in Court A vs Court B.
- When you get a Lawyer with a relationship with the Crown, that Lawyer will know how the Crown will likely move ahead with your case.
- By understanding your specific case and how the Crown operates, the Lawyer will be better prepared to formulate a strategy to get the best outcome for your case.

Tip #3 - Low Fees Are Red Flags

If a Lawyer is offering you a much lower fee than other Lawyer' fees, you should be concerned.

- Generally, there is a "market price" for Lawyers that deal with DUI charges. And, that market price will likely vary depending on several factors about your case.
- However, if you find a DUI lawyer who will take a lot less of your money than other lawyers, that is a huge red flag.
- Although you may save a bit of money, I would worry whether the Lawyer can get you the best result for your case. And the answer to that question is most likely no.

Tip #4 - Does it "feel right."

All good DUI Lawyers will give you a free consultation. And after you have your meeting, ask yourself:

- Does the Lawyer make sense?
- Does the Lawyer promise something that seems too good to be true?
- Did the Lawyer listen to your concerns?

Ultimately, use your gut feeling and make sure there's a right fit between your needs and how the Lawyer will represent you.

Tip #5 - Google Reviews

Google reviews matter. Every Lawyer I know tries to get Google reviews from their clients. So before you retain, check online:

- Does the Lawyer have Google reviews? If they are experienced, then they will have Google reviews. If they don't have a lot of reviews, then that is potentially a red flag.
- Read those Google reviews. Do they make sense? This is important because some unethical Lawyers will buy "fake reviews." And, reading those reviews may give you a sense of whether those reviews are real or not.
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