LAWYER: 5 Favorite Tricks Cops Use During DWI Stops

LAWYER: 5 Favorite Tricks Cops Use During DWI Stops

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Publish Date:
July 13, 2024
DUI Attorneys
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You should never drink and drive, but you can still get pulled over when you're sober. If an officer suspects you of DWI, here's what they are hunting for and how they trick you into incriminating yourself.

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00:00 5 Tricks Cops Use During A DWI Stop
00:14 – 5 Tricks Cops Use During A DWI Stop
01:30 – Can You Ignore The Officer? Be Rude?
02:23 – Never Argue With The Officer!
03:27 – DWI Requires Proof Of “Intoxication”
03:50 – Admit To Drinking?
04:54 – Physical Signs Of “Intoxication”
05:57 – Mental Signs of “Intoxication"
06:24 – What If You Are Just Nervous?
06:52 – Field Sobriety Tests – Consent Or Refuse??
07:00 – What Happens If You Refuse?
09:01 – What Happens If You Refuse Field Sobriety Tests?
10:36 – What If You Have Physical Limitations?
11:12 – ALWAYS Say You Are Nervous If You Choose To Cooperate!
12:06 – Portable Breath Tests?
13:15 – What If You Refuse?
14:44 – The DWI Officer’s Opinion Matters In Court

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