The Dangers of Over-Talking During a DUI Arrest

The Dangers of Over-Talking During a DUI Arrest

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Publish Date:
November 1, 2024
DUI Attorneys
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Many individuals make the critical mistake of talking too much after a DUI arrest, often undermining their own case. This guide highlights how officers design their questioning to eliminate potential defenses. By understanding the importance of silence, you can avoid providing evidence against yourself and protect your rights during a police investigation. Remember, sometimes it's best to stay quiet and let the police build their case without your input.

Transcript: The biggest mistake I see people do when they get arrest for DUI is they talk too much. They often will talk their way into the jail cell because they will lie about their case and then they keep talking. And so then they're not credible. And then what they're given the police just makes their case worse. The design of the police investigation is to eliminate all possible defenses. They ask you a bunch of questions. That is just to eliminate any defense you may have. So it's better is to shut up. And then but the police try to prove their case without you giving them evidence.