What is a DUI? DUI Defense Attorney Dauphin County PA, DUI Defense Attorney Harrisburg PA

What is a DUI? DUI Defense Attorney Dauphin County PA, DUI Defense Attorney Harrisburg PA

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February 6, 2023
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Being charged with a DUI in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania has very serious repercussions. It is important to find a Harrisburg DUI attorney that will do everything in their power to ensure that a DUI conviction does not haunt you for the rest of your life. The best Harrisburg DUI lawyers in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania are often able to get a DUI charge expunged leaving you with a license and a clean record to police and employers. Make no mistake, if not taken seriously a DUI charge in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will have lasting consequences that is capable of affecting your employment, future, and freedom.

Under what circumstances can an individual be charged with a DUI?

What are the penalties if found guilty of a DUI?

How will a DUI defense lawyer help an individual? What line of defenses can be formed?

The vast majority of people who have been charged with a DUI do not have a past criminal record and deserve a second chance without having the "book" thrown at them.

In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania it is not illegal to drink and drive as long as the person operating the vehicle is not impaired and does not have a blood alcohol content above .08. With that said it is important to understand that it is not safe to drink and drive. The best DUI defense attorneys will know the most effective ways to defend a client who has been charged with a DUI.

Knowing and understanding the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania DUI laws as well as the proceedings that take place in a courtroom for DUI cases is nothing short of a challenge. The best DUI attorneys in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area will use clever and innovative ways to help their clients achieve the best results in court.

The experience that comes with hiring a DUI defense attorney will prove to be priceless when it comes to fighting a DUI charge in court. The best Harrisburg DUI attorneys have a reputation for being able to aggressively defend their clients while helping them achieve favorable outcomes.

If you or someone you love has been arrested for driving under the influence in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania it is important that you know that there are options. An individual should never plead guilty without consulting closely with an attorney from a DUI law firm. The best Pennsylvania DUI defense attorneys are the ones who have a practice that primarily defends individuals who have been charged with a DUI. DUI defense attorneys who do this are usually better when it comes to strategic planning that will help their clients walk away without having to face repercussion.


Every DUI case in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is going to have two cases filed. The first case is an administrative hearing that deals with an individual's driver's license and the second case filed is the criminal case that ultimately decides the punishment that a defendant will have to face. A DUI law firm with very experienced DUI defense attorneys will give a defendant the best chance at retaining their privilege to drive in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania as well as having the charges brought up against them reduced or completely dropped.