Divorce Workshop - Family Law Facilitator

Divorce Workshop - Family Law Facilitator

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Publish Date:
September 11, 2022
Family Law Attorneys
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This video provides information from the staff of the San Diego Superior Court's Family Law Facilitator's Office (FLF) on how to start a divorce, legal separation or nullity case.

The FLF is available, at no cost, to help unrepresented parents and parties who have questions about family law issues. They can help prepare court forms and provide general legal information. The FLF is staffed by court attorneys, paralegals, and clerks with experience in family law. The FLF does not assist parents or parties who have an attorney of record on file. The attorneys at the FLF are not your lawyers, but are neutral court employees who do not represent any parent or party and may provide information and services to all parties in the case.

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