Information you need to protect your rights in family court - Truth Bomb 1 by Ron B Palmer

Information you need to protect your rights in family court - Truth Bomb 1 by Ron B Palmer

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Learn the following in this video: Truth Bomb 1
This video contains the first of nine Truth Bombs.

1. Your relationship with your child is the source of constitutional protections for your parental rights.
2. What a penumbral right is and why you care in child custody litigation.
3. How your parental rights work in family court and how the 1st Amendment helps you protect your parent-child relationship.
4. How your association with your child actually protects you from the invasive and burdensome practices of the family court.
5. What effects your marital association or lack thereof has on the family court process, and the history of marital association.
6. What role the bastardy laws play in family court today.
7. Look at the process from a different way and free yourself from the biases that make you grovel and beg for rights to your child.

Want to read all the Truth Bombs:

DISCLAIMER: Ron is not an attorney, does not practice law, and is not a substitute for an attorney.

Copyright 2022 Ron B Palmer Licensed to Fix Family Courts.