The 10 FAQ's of Australian Family Law - What You Should Know

The 10 FAQ's of Australian Family Law - What You Should Know

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Publish Date:
March 16, 2023
Family Law Attorneys
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The Top 10 Frequently Asked Question in Family Law

Question 1: What is a divorce?
Question 2: What is a de facto relationship?
Question 3: What is Child Support/Maintenance?
Question 4: What is a Parenting Order?
Question 5: How does a Court decide who the child shall live with/spend time with?
Question 6: How does a Court determine a property settlement?
Question 7: What is Spousal Maintenance?
Question 8: Do I need to formalise my proper settlement?
Question 9: Are there any time limits?
Question 10: Do I need to change my Will/Superannuation/Powers of Attorney upon separation?
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