5 Things That Can Upset Your Attorney - Real Estate Law in Illinois

5 Things That Can Upset Your Attorney - Real Estate Law in Illinois

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When you’re looking to buy a house there’s nothing more important than a solid relationship between your lawyer and you. Your attorney is there to make sure the transaction runs smoothly and to close according to your terms. Real estate attorneys tend to be deal makers who want to see everyone happy. But, there are some client choices that can really grind our gears. This video explores 5 common buyer behaviors that are sure to get on your attorneys nerves

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23 Legal LLC is a member of the Illinois State Bar Association and the Illinois Real Estate Lawyers Association. Attorney Ben Weaver is an expert in Real Estate Law for Arlington Heights, Prospect Heights, Mount Prospect, Des Plaines, Glenview, Park Ridge, Wheeling and the surrounding communities.
We know how intimidating “the law” can be. In fact, when most people think of law offices, they think of stuffy leather chairs, huge wooden desks and pompous lawyers who charge outrageous fees. That’s not us! We believe that a good lawyer should help you, not stress you. We believe in 1-to-1; the same lawyer should work with you all the way through. Whether you have an estate planning issue, family trust concern, or you have a legal problem in regard to a new home, business, real estate or remodel, you need a lawyer who cares. That’s where Ben comes in!

Ben is the kind of person who believes in helping others because it is the right thing to do. Before he became a lawyer, he served in Zambia for the Peace Corps. When he opened 23 Legal LLC, he made sure to join the Rotary Club of Arlington Heights because of his close ties to the community, as well as his connection with the Arlington Heights Chamber of Commerce. Ben is a member of the Illinois State Bar Association and the Illinois Real Estate Lawyers Association. Most of all, Ben likes talking to people to get an understanding of their needs. This philosophy carries over to everything we do; we really listen and we really care.