Chapter 21: License Law & Real Estate Commission Rules

Chapter 21: License Law & Real Estate Commission Rules

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Publish Date:
February 2, 2023
Real Estate Attorneys
Video License
Standard License
Imported From:

1. Basic Licensing Requirement
2. License Categories
3. Activities Requiring a License
4. Permitted Non-brokerage Activities of Unlicensed Assistants/
5. Exempt Activities

B. The Real Estate Commission
1. Composition
2. Purpose and Powers
3. Disciplinary Authority

C. General Licensing Provisions
1. Licensing of Individual Persons
2. License Expiration and Renewal
3. Continuing Education
4. Active and Inactive License Status
5. License Reinstatement
6. Broker Supervision of Provisional Brokers
7. Payment of License Fees
8. Proof of Licensure
9. Change of Name or Address
10. Reporting Criminal Convictions

D. Prohibited Acts/Conduct
1. Misrepresentation and Omission of Material Fact
2. Making False Promises
3. Acting for Multiple Parties without Consent of All
4. Improper Brokerage Commissions
5. Failure to Account for Trust Monies
6. Unworthiness and Incompetence
7. Improper, Fraudulent or Dishonest Dealing
8. Discriminatory Practices
9. Practice of Law
10. Commingling Trust Money with Personal Funds
11. Failure to Deliver Purchase Agreement or Offer to Buyer or Seller
12. Failure to Deliver a Closing Statement to Client
13. Violation of Any Commission Rule
14. Other Prohibited Acts
15. Injunctive Relief for Unlicensed Activity
16. License Surrender
17. Imposition of Restrictions on License or Approval

E. General Brokerage Provisions
1. Advertising [Commission Rule
2. Delivery of Instruments
3. Retention of Records
4. Brokerage Fees and Compensation
5. Drafting Legal Instruments
6. Disclosure of Offers

F. Broker-in-Charge
G. Handling Trust Funds
H. North Carolina Time Share Act