Real Estate Law Jobs - Being A Real Estate Lawyer

Real Estate Law Jobs - Being A Real Estate Lawyer

10,908 View Real estate law jobs are explored in this video series on jobs to do with a law degree. Real estate lawyer Laura McClellan of Thompson & Knight in Dallas talks about being a lawyer focused on commercial real estate and putting deals together for buyers and sellers.

Laura says the joy of putting deals together can make these jobs in law lots of fun. Through representing real estate developers and lenders, Laura says you get to help people reach a deal AND experience the results of your efforts each time you see the actual building that you worked on.

Whether you're in law school or trying to figure out what jobs to do with a law degree, check out what Laura has to say. She talks about a typical deal and explains that these types of lawyers have a transactional law practice that may be found in big or small law firms. In the full interview at JDCOT with Marc Luber, she explains a typical day, what skills and personality types best fit these careers for lawyers, how to break in and how to succeed.

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