"Making A Murderer" Defense Attorney Dean Stang On Criminal Justice- Full Session

"Making A Murderer" Defense Attorney Dean Stang On Criminal Justice- Full Session

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Publish Date:
December 24, 2022
Criminal Attorneys
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Is our criminal justice fair? That's been one of the central questions among Minnesota lawmakers as they figure out how to deal with a growing prison population that is disproportionately made up of minorities. That fairness question is also at the center of a Netflix documentary series called "Making a Murder", which is about the case of murdered photographer Teresa Halbach in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin.

The documentary series has generated great discussion about all elements of our criminal justice system. So several legislators invited the defense attorney in the case to come speak in Minnesota.

Dean Strang was a defense attorney for Steven Avery who was ultimately convicted of murder. Strang discusses the case, talks about the underfunding of public defenders, suggests legislators reduce penalties and that governors consider clemency more often.

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