Guardian ad Litem Investigations: The #1 Thing to Avoid - Columbia SC Divorce Attorney

Guardian ad Litem Investigations: The #1 Thing to Avoid - Columbia SC Divorce Attorney

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In today’s video I’m going to share some insights with you in regards to a child custody incident that could, if not handled properly, develop into a major roadblock in your fight for the right to care for, and manage the safekeeping of your child.

Specifically, watch for my remarks as they relate to:

• Should you cooperate with a court appointed guardian?
• What to do, if or when a guardian raises a red flag?

You know, when it comes to your desire to win legal custody of your children, it’s important you firmly understand the parenting standard the court is on the lookout for, is one in which a determination that points to either you, or the other party in the matter as it relates to child custody, is the ‘better parent’ as prescribed in law.

This makes it a worthwhile undertaking that if you’re a mother, father or otherwise a caregiver who is hoping to acquire custody of a child in family court, you become familiar with child custody laws as they exist in your local jurisdiction.

It's important to also realize that the court's main goal is ensuring the best interests of the child are firmly established and maintained over the long haul, which may, or may not include a sole custody ruling in your favor.
You should also be aware that if you are hoping to win child custody there is generally a higher burden of proof needed for the parent who seeks sole child custody.

So, in light of these facts, it’s best you keep your eyes and emotions focused on establishing that you are the better parent, without attacking the other party in open court.

Some things a judge will look closely at during a child custody case are:

• A judge will notice a parent who encourages a wholesome and healthy lifestyle for their children, such as having a stable daily schedule, a secure emotional home environment and proper eating schedule to name but a few.

• It’s also important you be aware that a judge also will look favorably on a parent who encourages an ongoing relationship with the other parent.