Stamford DUI Lawyer - Allan F. Friedman Explains What to Do If You're Pulled Over For a DUI

Stamford DUI Lawyer - Allan F. Friedman Explains What to Do If You're Pulled Over For a DUI

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For a free consultation with the Law Offices of Allan F. Friedman 24/7, for help with your DUI legal case call (203) 357-5555. Attorney Allan F. Friedman is a compassionate, dedicated and tenacious Connecticut criminal defense attorney with 28 years experience who has successfully handled hundreds of DUI cases of all kinds. Attorney Friedman has won many awards for his legal representation and has excellent client reviews and testimonials.

Generally, we advise you if stopped by the police to never answer any questions. Remain silent and insist on speaking with a Stamford DUI lawyer before you answer any questions.

Always refuse to consent to any police searches of your vehicle, home or containers. make them get a warrant. Why make their job easy? Make them build their own case against you don't be a participant in your own prosecution.

Never EVER engage in a field sobriety test, they are designed so you can only fail. The Police officer has a body cam on and is recording everything that you are doing. Do not give them more evidence against you. Refuse to participate in field sobriety tests.

Never consent to a chemical urine, blood or breath test. The testing equipment is flawed and your case is stronger without having these test results against you. Just say NO!

A DUI case is a very complex matter and there is no substitute for the expert, in person advice of a experienced Connecticut criminal attorney who can review all the facts of your specific case and give you a professional case assessment. Call now for a free no obligation case evaluation.

Disclaimer: Attorney Advertising materials. This information is solely provided for entertainment purposes. Since each case is totally unique and statutes and regulations are subject to constant change, this video should not be construed as legal counsel or advice. Any comments or online interaction through YouTube does not form an attorney-client relationship unless a signed retainer agreement is executed.

The Law Offices of Allan F. Friedman
24 Hoyt Street #A
Stamford, CT 06905
(203) 357-5555